Especially during this period, you will surely have heard your puppy barking or crying due to loud and sudden noises from thestorm . The fear of thunderstorms or more generally of loud noises, in veterinary medicine, is called brontophobia , a term also used for humans. Approximately 15% to 30% of dogs suffer from this phobia.
Why is the dog afraid of thunderstorms?
A scientific study states that this fear derives from the ability of dogs to perceive the drop in atmospheric pressure that occurs before a storm, but also the changes in electromagnetism resulting from the electrical discharges released by lightning on the ground.
Another aspect not to be underestimated is their extraordinary hearing ; in fact, they have the ability to perceive sound waves up to 46,000 Hz, approximately 26,000 Hz more than an adult human being and 34,000 Hz more than an elderly person.
How to tell if a dog is scared?
To understand if a dog is scared we must pay attention to its behaviors . There are many obvious signs that we need to pay attention to, including, for example, the fact that he hides between his owner's legs seeking protection or under the bed. He may start to tremble or persistently bite and lick his paws and if he is really very scared he may run away, scratching the door or even leak pee.
So, what can we do to help him overcome or control this fear? In this article you will find some useful tips and everything you absolutely must not do in these situations.

1. Keep calm and behave normally
When the dog is agitated it is always better to remain calm so as not to give him confirmation that there is real reason to be anxious. Maintaining normal behavior will give the dog the idea that there is nothing to be afraid of and will calm him down.
2. Provide a safe place for him to stay
The dog should always have a place in the house to go to relax or take refuge in case of fear. Also in this case it is essential that he has it and it is important to leave him free to enter and exit the den as he prefers without forcing it.
In the event of a storm it might be a good idea to move the dog kennel away from doors or windows to keep it as far away from loud noises as possible.
3. Distract him from loud noises
If the dog is afraid but not phobic, it may be useful to try to distract him. To counteract the loud noise of the storm, you could close the window shutters tightly and turn on the TV in the background to cover the rumble of the storm.
However, if the dog prefers to hide or stay apart, it is best not to insist, so as not to make him more anxious.
4. Try anti-stress bandages
In recent years it has become increasingly common to hear about the technique of anti-stress and anti-fear bandages for dogs, especially during the winter period and especially during the holidays.
The aim of using bandages to wrap the dog's body is to help the animal perceive its body in space , increasing its awareness and consequently promoting calm and tranquility in the event of fear.
Each dog reacts differently to this type of practice, it is advisable to evaluate its reaction and never force the animal into something it doesn't like.