In this article…
The Christmas holidays have finally arrived; the house is decorated with lights and garlands, the Christmas tree is bright and there are gift packages on the floor. Family and friends are gathered around the table and if you have a pet you are ready to share these moments with him too. Christmas brings many changes compared to everyday life at home and it is precisely in these moments of movement and confusion that we must not let our guard down.
In the previous article we gave some useful advice for giving a perfect Christmas gift to our four-legged friends, in this article, however, you can find some advice on how to prevent the risks involved in the Christmas holidays by ensuring a Christmas with your dog and cat in complete safety .
Be careful with Christmas decorations
The Christmas tree is the most common element to have at home during the Christmas holidays and together with lights, garlands and baubles they make the atmosphere warm and welcoming. What perhaps not everyone thinks about is that these accessories can represent a danger for dogs and cats. Pets are naturally curious, which is why it is advisable to secure the Christmas tree . It is advisable to position it in a strategic point that is not frequented by the pet, making sure to make it as safe as possible, stabilizing it and carefully fixing both lights and any cables.
Glass or ceramic balls could fall and injure them; therefore, when choosing decorations we recommend paying attention to the material with which they are made and opting for balls made with unbreakable materials and colored with non-toxic paints for our animal. Ribbons, bows and gift paper attract the attention of dogs and cats who could accidentally ingest them. To avoid this, it is advisable to place the gifts in a place that is not easily accessible , for example on a raised piece of furniture, a basket or a closed box.

Christmas plants to avoid
As far as decorations at home are concerned, we recommend paying maximum attention to the poinsettia which, if ingested or chewed, is toxic to both dogs and cats due to the release of the plant's own sap which contains substances that irritate the stomach. If this happens, you must immediately call the vet and rely on his instructions . The poinsettia is not the only plant dangerous for the animal, other common examples are mistletoe, holly and yew.
The dangers of the laid table
During the holidays we spend most of the time at the table with friends and relatives, when we have a pet the most natural thought is to give it some culinary pleasure too, after all it's a celebration. Unfortunately, however, not everyone knows that many of the foods that enrich our table during the holidays could expose our four-legged friends to the risk of food poisoning .
Among the most dangerous foods, experts identify fried foods and in general very greasy and highly seasoned foods which, if ingested in large quantities, can cause rather serious illnesses; cooked and small bones or fish bones can cause internal injuries; salty snacks and sausages , which due to the large quantity of salt and fat inside them can cause profound discomfort for the animal. Also pay attention to what happens in the kitchen, raw dough is to be avoided .
Sweets, particularly those containing xylitol - a food sweetener - such as sweets, chewing gum and cakes, can be harmful. Even the Christmas dessert par excellence, panettone , usually contains raisins , chocolate or dried fruit such as walnuts and almonds , all foods that can be toxic and dangerous for the animal.
Educate friends and family
Festive occasions bring joy and light-heartedness, but they also bring many new things for our puppies. The house fills with people and in some cases even strangers, this can cause distress and anxiety in the animal. If we notice a particular intolerance in the dog it could be a good idea to create a space away from confusion designed specifically for him. Furthermore, it is essential to educate friends and relatives about the presence of the dog, advising them not to approach the dog in an impetuous manner. Pay particular attention to children, who in their naivety can trigger an unpleasant reaction from the animal.