
New Niki Natural Barf: Buffalo and Bones

Novità Niki Natural Barf: Bufalo e Ossa


Buffalo meat contains less fat than beef. In fact, compared to other species, buffalo deposits fat outside the muscle tissue, therefore the infiltration of fat into the meat is poor.

Buffalo meat also contains greater quantities of Iron, Vitamins B6 and B12 and Potassium. It is recommended for allergic and intolerant animals and exclusion diets.

  • the buffalo is a primordial, rustic animal
  • meat rich in iron and mineral salts and low in fat
  • its sweetish taste awakens its predatory instinct
  • recommended for allergic / intolerant animals



The BUFFALO used comes exclusively from certified farms in Campania , a place of excellence for the production of the famous buffalo mozzarella.

Calf and Bovine Bones

Bones perform an important function of integration , not only of calcium, but also of other mineral salts as well as being very useful for keeping teeth clean and firm.

There are many mineral salts present in the bone that can be absorbed, furthermore inside them there is bone marrow which is very rich in fats.

We therefore do not consider a bone just a toy, but an integral part of the diet and a perfect solution for dental hygiene and to keep the dog busy with a tasty pastime .

These bones are also 100% Italian in origin.

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