
Why do dogs and cats change their fur but... not their habit of licking?

Perché il cane e il gatto cambiano il pelo ma… non il vizio di leccarsi?

Shedding periods affect all animals, but we owners often find ourselves dealing with that of pets. Their presence at home causes some inconvenience, such as hair loss.

Why do dogs and cats change their fur?

Hair is not perennial, but follows a life cycle, which ends with its fall.

The main factor that determines its onset is the photoperiod, that is, the duration of the hours of light compared to those of darkness. In spring the lengthening of the days therefore triggers its onset, which is why an animal that lives outside will undergo a more regular and shorter molt than an animal that lives in an apartment. In this last case, in fact, the moult lasts practically throughout the year, with two periods in which the phenomenon is much more accentuated.

It must also be said that in spring there is a complete moult , while in autumn the molt is partial . In autumn, in fact, the short photoperiod with a drop in temperatures stimulates the organism to thicken the coat .

The change of the dog's fur

As for the dog, it is necessary to brush it at least once a day if it has long hair; every two days if he is short-haired; once or twice a week if he has short hair. For long coats, daily brushing is necessary .

Brushing should be carried out in the direction of hair growth with a brush that allows you to loosen knots and eliminate the undercoat delicately, without hurting the dog.

The change of the cat's fur

For short-haired cats, one brushing per week is usually sufficient. Before starting, you can massage the fur with a special glove equipped with tips, proceeding in the opposite direction to that of the fur. This way you can remove dead hair and stimulate blood circulation in the skin.

In cats with medium-long or long hair it is necessary to brush every day for a few minutes to prevent the fur from becoming sticky or matted. It is advisable to use a metal comb with large teeth and comb first following the direction of the hair and then the opposite direction.

If you find small knots, carefully untie them with your fingers, especially behind the ears and on the head, where the cat cannot reach with its tongue.

Try Groomy our 5-finger glove for animals! It imitates the touch of the hand for a relaxing massage, making brushing easier and making cleaning pleasant even for the most restless animals.

Dogs and cats shed their fur: how to help them

1. Brush the coat

2. Use suitable shampoos

3. Use food supplements in conjunction with a good diet

All DOG CARE and HYGIENE products

All CARE and HYGIENE products for CAT

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