When, during the winter period, cold and humidity become unbearable, we human beings defend ourselves by taking refuge in our warm homes and if we are forced to go out we combat the harsh temperatures and all the inconveniences that they entail with the help of clothing. warm and comfortable clothing. There is a wide variety of dog clothes on the market, but do our four-legged friends also suffer from the cold?
First of all, we must keep in mind that just like human beings, animals are also different from each other and have different biological characteristics, in fact their perception of the cold depends on various factors such as age, breed, coat type, size and habits. Precisely because each animal has different needs, we believe that it is the owner's task to decide what is best for him, respecting him as a living being and above all taking into account his well-being.

Are dog clothes a trend or a necessity?
Often when we talk about dressing animals the biggest objection that is raised concerns the humanization of the dog; in this sense it would be good to take into consideration that, more and more often, dogs live alongside us in the apartment, a place where temperatures are kept at a higher level than those outside. Also in this case, small dogs, accustomed to the warmth of home, if taken outside can suffer a strong change in temperature which can cause seasonal ailments, even serious ones. Furthermore, elderly dogs or puppies may not be able to thermoregulate independently and in this case it is essential to pay more attention to sudden changes in temperature while also taking into consideration any health problems of the dog.
When is dressing animals really useful?
It is clear that there are dog breeds with greater sensitivity to the cold, examples of which are very small dogs such as Chihuahuas , Maltese and Poodles . These dog breeds waste a lot more energy in trying to keep warm than larger dogs, who may also have an undercoat. For this reason, using clothing such as coats and jackets, designed and made specifically for them, can be a good way to cope with harsher weather conditions. In general, the smaller the dog, the more sensitive it will be to cold . Furthermore, small dogs with short legs like Dachshunds or Corgis get their bellies wet easily. Also in this case, in addition to drying them carefully, it would be useful to use jackets that cover their bellies.
However, when we talk about Huskies, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Maremma Shepherds and in general all breeds with thick fur and undercoat, it is not strange to imagine them lying in the ship, because their specific characteristics allow them to do so. In this case, however , the humidity factor must also be taken into consideration ; when you decide to take your dog out in the rain or let him play in the snow, it is essential to dry the dog completely once you return home, to avoid the proliferation of dirt and bacteria that are harmful to the animal, first of all, but also for man. To facilitate this operation and keep the dog clean for longer even in winter, items such as raincoats can be useful.
In any case, it is essential that every choice by the owner is made with respect for the animal: wearing an item of clothing is necessary in some cases, but it must always be done with the animal's well-being first.

Which model to choose?
At this point, we want to give you some useful advice when choosing clothing for dogs . The coats of the new winter collection are made taking into account the need for practicality and comfort that is required when you want to dress your dog .
Choosing the right model among many similar models can be difficult, what you need to keep in mind is the practicality and well-being of your pet. Padded dog jackets such as the Pearly Dream and the Polar Bear are particularly suitable during rainy days thanks to the waterproof fabric external covering and the soft velvet internal lining which makes the garment super comfortable once worn. The practical Velcro closure present in most Croci dog coats, for example, prevents the fur from getting caught and, perhaps, tearing during the closure. These jackets are available in many sizes, this makes them adaptable to many dog breeds, but if you want to dress particular breeds such as Greyhounds , Dachshunds and Bulldogs , there are models designed specifically for them and their specific characteristics.
All items of clothing have an elasticated girth and elastic bands to attach to the hind legs which prevent the dress from moving during the walk and if it gets dirty, have no fear, because the products are all easily washable in the washing machine . In addition to being designed for the animal's well-being, the new winter collection has a nod to the environment with the ecological dog jacket whose waterproof fabric comes from recycled plastic bottles. Whatever your choice, remember to put the health and well-being of your four-legged friend first.