
Cotonosso with Deer Horns

Cotonosso con Corna di Cervo

Can the benefit of play and its important social value be combined with the benefit of chewing and the biological and adaptive expression of the dog's predatory behaviors?

This product was also created with this aim: to be able to guarantee our dog a healthy, natural and cruelty free chew (deer lose their antlers at the end of the breeding season in a completely natural and painless way) and to be able to play an active role in sharing this resource in serenity, combining relationships, games and fun with the already great benefits that derive from providing natural snacks.

Cotonosso anti-stress pastime

Cottonwood not only guarantees our animals the possibility of relieving states of anxiety, stress, boredom through chewing and keeping their teeth clean, but also provides a large quantity of mineral salts, omega-3, omega-6, chondroitin, amino acids , trace elements and collagen, naturally contained in the bone marrow of the deer antler.

The cotton rope surrounding the bone gives us the opportunity to entice our dog to propose a social exchange based on play, which will certainly constitute, if well managed, an additional positive stimulus in building the relationship with our companion. life.

Playing with this innovative and fascinating snack can allow us, once again, to ensure that our dog exercises competitive and predatory behaviors in a healthy way, which, above all for the protection of other animals, it is right to control in the natural context, but which , for the emotional satisfaction of our animal, we can propose again thanks to the snacks of the line, in constructed, but healthy, protected and safe contexts.
With cottonwood we will have an even more central role in the expression of these behaviors and we could, perhaps under the careful guidance of an expert who knows how to lead us in reading the dog's behavior, enter into mechanisms that often remain hidden from people and go even deeper. in the relationship with the dog, simultaneously ensuring fun, communication and well-being.
Much more than a snack and extraordinarily more than a simple game.

Because playing with the dog is a serious and important thing, which allows us to talk to him on a deep and intense level and which can finally allow us to truly become the best friend of this unique, welcoming, communicative, extraordinary creature.

Dr. Marina Garfagnoli

Dog trainer

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