
Don't know how to deal with dog shedding? Here are some useful tips

Muta del cane

Your puppy sheds lots of hair, forcing you to clean several times a day. If this is your case, in this article you will find a clear and simple explanation of why your dog is going through this period and also some useful advice on how to deal with it.

Why does this happen, is it serious?

Every year, several times a year, the dog faces a completely natural and physiological process, known as dog shedding, which consists in the renewal of the fur. Shedding is not a process that is faced by all dog breeds, in fact it only affects those that have hair and undercoat. For example German Shepherd, Border Collie, Australian Shepherd, Siberian Husky and Malamute.

What is the difference between fur and undercoat?

  • The hair or giarra is the outermost and thickest layer of the coat and has the task of protecting the animal from the cold, rain and wind, for this reason it can be considered a covering coat.
  • The undercoat , also called secondary hair, is composed of shorter, softer and thinner hairs and acts as a thermal insulator, protects against micro-abrasions and is waterproofing.

However, not all dogs have an undercoat and therefore not all dogs shed. This is the case of small or medium-sized dogs such as Yorkshire, Poodle, Maltese and Shizu who have a single layer of external fur that protects them throughout the year.

Why does the dog shed?

Dog shedding is a process that originates with changes in temperature, which is why it should happen twice a year. With the fall of the spring hair there is a complete renewal of the entire winter coat, thus facilitating the growth of a lighter coat in anticipation of the summer period. In autumn, however, the summer fur gives way to thicker fur in order to protect our furry friend from the freezing winter cold.

We had the pleasure of conversing with an expert in the sector, Simone Morelli, professional groomer from Spettinati Toelettatura . During the meeting he reiterated a key concept several times: there is no longer a precise period in which pets undergo hair renewal and this happens because the transition from the cold season to the hot season no longer occurs through a gradual change in temperatures as in the past.

In addition to the climate issue, the intervention of man, through the use of refrigeration systems in summer and heating in winter, accentuates an imbalance in the animal's thermoregulation. In fact, if previously the fur was renewed during the months of the change of season (autumn and spring) to prepare for the oncoming temperature, today, especially animals living in the city are no longer able to thermoregulate and often are unable to complete the moult before of the arrival of the new season.

How long does dog shedding last?

The actual duration of the molt depends on several factors, such as your habits. A dog that lives most of its days in an apartment, both in winter and summer with heaters and air conditioning turned on, will not maintain a fixed shedding rhythm, but will have a periodic and constant renewal of its fur.

It's different for a dog used to being outdoors. In that case, always taking into consideration what was said above about temperature, a dog that lives outside may have a shorter and more intense molt than a dog that lives indoors.

In a normal context, shedding can last from 3 to 7 weeks , but it must be considered that dogs with long, thick fur will have a longer turnover time. This is the case of the Chow Chow, the Siberian Husky and the German Shepherd.

When is dog shedding abnormal?

As already specified, shedding is a totally natural and necessary process for the dog because it allows its coat to renew itself and grow stronger and thicker. This does not mean that there are no pathologies that can mislead the most distracted owner. For this reason we recommend having your dog checked by the vet if there are symptoms such as suspicious scabs, patches of short hair, very dry and irritated skin, especially if the dog persistently scratches and licks in one area or multiple areas. of the body. Keeping your dog's skin and coat inspected is essential to prevent serious diseases or parasites from developing.

What to do to manage a dog that sheds too much?

The moulting period can cause discomfort for both your puppy and you; so, let's see together what precautions any owner of a shedding dog should implement.

Brush the dog

Generally it is advisable to contact a professional groomer who, thanks to manual skills and professional equipment, can obtain excellent results in a very short time. For those who have dogs with a particularly demanding coat, home maintenance may be necessary. If these are dog breeds that have a long and thick coat then this operation must be done daily.

Brushing is easier if done after a bath and during the drying phase, this is because the air from the hairdryer allows you to blow away excess hair. In any case, it is not advisable to wash the dog too frequently so it is sufficient to brush the dog even for just 5 or 10 minutes a day. This process greatly facilitates hair replacement, avoiding the formation of knots that could prevent correct oxygenation of the skin.

There are brushes that allow you to eliminate excess undercoat without too much effort. How to do?

  • Step one : use a carding brush . Carding the hair means not only eliminating excess hair but also eliminating knots that could prevent hair growth and oxygenation of the skin.
  • Step two : Use a soft bristle brush . Once you have finished removing the excess hair, you can proceed using a brush equipped with soft bristles. This operation is necessary after carding if you want to obtain a shiny and soft coat.

Some tips to protect yourself from hair

After seeing some simple tips to follow to facilitate the shedding process you are probably wondering how to protect yourself from the mountain of lost fur. First of all, don't panic! The hair sticks everywhere and occupies every surface, but at home, in addition to the classic vacuum cleaner and duster, you can use special brushes that will help you collect all the hair stuck to the surfaces of the sofa, on clothes or curtains.

This is the case of classic adhesive brushes which, thanks to the self-adhesive strip, effectively collect not only hair but also dust. A very useful tool is also the Magicfur brush , a brush with a self-cleaning base that removes all hair trapped on surfaces, cleaning sofas, bedspreads, curtains and even the culprit's kennel in a short time and effortlessly.

Finally, car seat covers can be a valid support for safeguarding the interior upholstery of your car. In this way the hair will not get stuck in the fabric of the seats during transport, but will rest on the cover which has been specially made to facilitate cleaning. With these simple precautions we are sure that you will be able to survive the moulting period without too much difficulty!

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