
Natural Repellents, Pesticides and Environmental Impact

Repellenti Naturali Croci Niki Natural Defence

We have already previously addressed the differences and similarities between chemical pesticides and natural repellents , seeing how the latter are excellent substitutes in protecting your pets from fleas, lice, ticks and mosquitoes .

Today we want to broaden this discussion by extending it to another delicate topic: the environmental impact that these products have and could have.

The green lifestyle is increasingly present in our daily normality and obviously this cannot fail to include our pet(s). Products reserved for them that have a low environmental impact, made with biodegradable materials and active plant ingredients are therefore becoming increasingly common .

Especially Neem oil-based products are considered the best natural repellents on the market today .

However, although supply on the market has increased, can the same be said about demand?

Like all ecological transition processes, there is a lot of skepticism towards new products and towards their actual necessity and effectiveness . In today's article we are going to dispel these doubts.

Pesticides and Hair

Let's start from research conducted in November 2018 by the French Institute IRES and the European Parliament which demonstrated how pesticides and the chemical principles of pesticides for dogs and cats are also polluting the hair of Europeans ( source ).

In Italy the residues were found on over 66% of the samples examined.

Among the products present, fipronil stands out above all , a broad-spectrum insecticide whose use in agriculture has been banned since 2017, but which can still be legally used as a pesticide for pets .

This is because the amount of active ingredient present in pesticides for dogs and cats is low, although not inert , and flea and tick infestations can be potentially more dangerous than allergic reactions and intoxications.

It is the intake in large doses that makes fipronil toxic and dangerous.

It should in fact be underlined that fipronil-based products, if used correctly , according to the manufacturer's instructions and the veterinarian's prescription, do not represent a direct risk for animals or humans .

The problem highlighted by the study is not the presence of this substance per se, but its high quantity present in the air, to the point of sticking to people's heads.

Is the use of these pesticides really necessary nowadays when there are better solutions on the market?

Neem oil: the best natural repellent

Neem oil is obtained from the seeds of a plant widespread in all tropical areas: the Azadirachta Indica of the Meliaceae family (also known as the Neem tree).

In the culture of India this plant is also known as "the tree capable of curing all diseases" or "the village pharmacy" precisely because of the large presence of active ingredients in the leaves, bark, flowers and roots. and precisely in the seeds.

The main active ingredient involved is azadirachtin which has strong insect repellent properties . Consider that in Indian countries the same Neem leaves are used as they are to spontaneously ward off parasites and insects .

One of the most interesting characteristics of Neem oil, however, is not so much to be found in its repellent abilities, but rather in the fact that the active ingredients present prevent parasites from developing resistance to its use over time (which instead happens with active ingredients chemicals).

This makes Neem oil the most powerful and effective natural repellent found in nature .

In conclusion of this article we want to once again underline that it is not our intention to demonize chemical pesticides which, if used correctly and in situations that require it, are a more than valid and safe solution .

It simply seems to us that the use of certain products is often done too lightly , without knowing that there are valid alternative solutions on the market that are more respectful of the environment and of our health and that of our pets .

Discover the Neem oil-based products from Croci's Niki Natural Defense line and immediately benefit from a 20% discount.

Developed by our designers, these Croci brand products are designed to guarantee your pet maximum protection from parasites without risk .

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