Natural cat food - Vibrisse Natural
Natural cat food as a healthy addition to daily meals
Totally natural, prepared with the highest quality ingredients, free of colourants, preservatives and appetizing substances, Vibrisse Naturale natural cat food is ideal to combine with the meal to guarantee your cat the best nutrition.
Steamed natural ingredients, without preservatives or appetizers
Vibrisse Natural wet cat food is based on steamed meat and fish. Easy to assimilate, tasty and healthy. Vibrisse products are the result of healthy and appetizing recipes that combine taste with the supply of nutrients necessary to satisfy your feline's energy needs.
All flavors available for complete wet cat food
Vibrisse Natural is available in many flavor variations: natural tuna, natural salmon, tuna and sardines, chicken and chicken ham, tuna and blue fish, tuna and shrimp, tuna and white fish, tuna and crab, tuna and calamari, tuna and beef, natural mackerel, chicken and shrimp.
Choose the flavor your furry friend prefers!
Features of Vibrisse Natural cat food:
- Canned cat food
- Steamed and handmade
- Without colourants, appetizing substances and preservatives
- Easy to assimilate
- Many flavors available
- Weight: 70g and 140g
Find all of our cat foods here.